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Service for international professionals

We help you with all questions about living and working in the Stuttgart Region.

Whether learning German, looking for a job, recognition of qualifications, housing or leisure activities – we provide you with all the information you need.

Benefit from our free services!

Consultation for foreign professionals

We answer your questions, explain the processes and guide you to advisories, institutions and partners. We consult you, whether you are in Germany or abroad – in German, English and other languages!

©Martin Lorenz

Consultation at Welcome Center Stuttgart

Come to the Welcome Center Stuttgart, the initial information and advisory center of the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation and the state capital Stuttgart. You do not need an appointment.

©Holm Wolschendorf

Consultation in the Stuttgart Region

Do you live or work in the districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg or Rems-Murr? Make an appointment in your district – we can advise you online or on site.

Events for international professionals

Take part in our free events! Together with our partners, we provide information on useful topics or connect you to employers in the Stuttgart Region.

Missed an event? Subscribe to our newsletter!
You can also find presentations here auf unserer Website.

Events about “Living and working in the Stuttgart Region”

The online events provide you with all the information you need to work successfully in Germany.

There are events in English, German and Russian on topics such as …

  • Working and applying for jobs in Germany
  • Training in Germany
  • Learning German
  • Entering the job market and further qualification
  • Employment contracts and employee rights
  • Recognition of foreign professional qualifications
  • Income tax in Germany
©contrastwerkstatt – stock.adobe.com

Successful Application and Working in the Stuttgart Region

Do you want to know how to apply for a job in Germany and in which sectors there are good employment prospects?

Successful Application is a free online event for international students and future professionals on the topics of job research, cover letters, application documents and job interviews. The webinar is in English and provides background information and help for the job search and application process in Germany.

©WRS/Katharina Tomaszewski

Job fairs

Are you looking for a job or vocational training? At our free job fairs, we bring you together with small and medium-sized companies from the Stuttgart Region.

Companies present their open vacancies and answer your questions.

An overview of the job fairs in the Stuttgart Region 2024 can be found here.

©WRS/Sandra Autenrieth

Events in Spanish: “Bienvenidos a Baden-Wuerttemberg”

The online seminars in Spanish provide information about working and living in Germany and explain the first steps and requirements:

  1. Planifica tu llegada a Baden-Wuerttemberg y aprende alemán
  2. Qué visa necesitas para Alemania
  3. Voluntariados sociales y trabajar en profesiones de sanidad
  4. Homologación de títulos y profesiones
  5. Formación dual y estudios universitarios
  6. Cómo buscar empleo y redactar tu currículum

You can find an overview of the 2024 dates here.

A joint project of the Welcome Service Region Stuttgart/Welcome Center Stuttgart, Welcome Center Freiburg Südlicher Oberrhein, Nordschwarzwald, Heilbronn-Franken, Rhein-Neckar and TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe.

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Events in Italian: “Vivere e lavorare nella regione di Stoccarda”

In our online and on-site events Italian-speaking newcomers can find out everything they need to know about living and working in the Stuttgart Region. Frequent topics include training, learning German, recognition of qualifications, employment contracts and employee rights or the healthcare system in Germany.

A joint series of events organized by the network to support the labour market integration of Italian immigrants.

Next events

Information und Erstberatung für internationale Fachkräfte, Studierende und Unternehmen der Region Stuttgart

Aus der Veranstaltungsreihe „Stadtteilzentren im Fokus" für Einzelhandels-, Gastronomie- und Dienstleistungsbetriebe in Stuttgart

Information und Erstberatung für internationale Fachkräfte, Studierende und Unternehmen der Region Stuttgart

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Further information for international professionals

On our website you will find the most important information for your start in the Stuttgart Region – for visa/residence, learning German, finding work, childcare, insurance, meeting new people and much more.

We also have checklists, sample CVs and application tips for you:

Newsletter for international professionals

Our newsletter informs you about events and news. Subscribe here!

“I am very grateful to the Welcome Center”

Successfully from Naples to Stuttgart: Read here how the Welcome Service Region Stuttgart helped Maria Grazia, a nursery school teacher, to find a job and settle in Stuttgart.