05.01.2015, 12:57 Uhr   

Student Welcome Club

We are looking forward to seeing you there on the first Monday evening of every month at 7p.m.!

05.01.2015, 12:57 Uhr

Located in the heart of Stuttgart, theWelcome Club Stuttgart offers many opportunities to meet students from Germany and all around the world. It is a great chance to socialize, make friends, or just discover the beautiful city. Come and join our get-togethers and meet fellow students from other universities and institutions. Share your experiences on how to settle and live in your new community or learn more about job and career opportunities.

Weltcafé (next to Welcome Center Stuttgart)
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stuttgart

Next dates:
4 May 2015
1 June 2015
6 July 2015

Sera Babakus
0711 216-80400