03.12.2014, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr   

Cancelled due to illness: Perspectives or a professional future in Germany

for International students and academic professionals

03.12.2014, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

In order to establish yourself successfully on the German labor market you will have to consider several vital aspects such as language learning, job application procedures, etc.

Our lecture will give you a better idea of employment prospects in Germany, and how the application process works. What makes a candidate successful? How to read German job offers, what are job interviews alike in Germany? Following themes will be covered: job search, first contact with companies, as well as the assistance which can be provided by the academic team of the local and national jobcentre i.e. “Agentur für Arbeit”. The event is free of charge and will be conducted in English and German language.

Thomas Wittwer, Agentur für Arbeit/Employment agency Stuttgart

Weltcafé next to Welcome Center Stuttgart, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart

Kathrin Engelhard, 0711 76164642, kathrin.engelhard@welcome-center-stuttgart.de